Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you. 任何一个懂行的葡萄酒商人都可以给你提出建议。
When I visited a wine merchant in the Central district of Hong Kong, the shelves were filled with names one would more often encounter in a fine-wine auction catalog. 在笔者到访的香港中环的一家葡萄酒店里,酒架上放的都是精品葡萄酒拍卖目录上常见的名酒。
His father, a wealthy wine merchant, gave him opportunities for early travel. 父为酒商,资财雄厚,罗斯金早年得以远游。
Many wine buyers place an order with a Bordeaux merchant thinking this is most likely to secure them wine straight from the ch? Teau, the most direct source only to find that it has, in fact, come from Britain. 许多葡萄酒买家会与一家波尔多葡萄酒商下单,他们认为这种方式最有可能让他们直接买到酒庄酒,这是最直接的来源,但他们最终却发现,实际上,这些酒来自英国。
They go to a cheese shop for their milk products, and a wine merchant for their beverages. 他们去当地的面包师那里买面包和糕点,去酿酒商那里买饮料。
It is the first time a Chinese company has bought a French wine merchant, through which Bordeaux wines are traditionally sold. 这是中国企业首次收购一家法国葡萄酒商。传统上,波尔多葡萄酒都是经由法国葡萄酒商销售的。
And we could nationalise our economies. But Smith said: The state cannot be very great of which the sovereign has leisure to carry on the trade of a wine merchant or apothecary. 我们可以将经济进行国有化,但斯密称:君主有闲暇从事葡萄酒商人或药剂师的生意时,这个国家不可能是非常伟大的。